
Hugh Holborn

The about me part is fairly straight forward. Presently I am an IT Manager for a healthcare company in North Florida. Age 58-3/4 with a passion for good friends, good food, and good stories. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida a bona fide son of the South who harbored a serious ache for the West. So, I spent the better part of ten years in Taos, New Mexico where I met my wife and acquired three mutts and a cat. One fall morning I could have sworn I saw Redfish tailing in the sagebrush and smelled salt air on the mesa. It was time to come home. Since that time I have pursued art and design as a career and more recently zeroes and ones.

Ever since my 50th birthday, for some inexplicable reason, I get a bug up my butt every four to five years and decide to go on a bit of an adventure. The last being a two thousand mile bike ride from St. Augustine to Taos. Now, I have set my sights on the first section of the Appalachian Trail. From Springer Mountain, Georgia to Damascus, Virginia – a distance of 425 miles. I have 44 days to make that happen beginning September 18th, 2015.

The first ten days will be in the wonderful company of my stepson Ryan and hopefully (if we can talk him into toting some of our supplies), my son Alexander.

Thanks for your interest!


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